Cross-Cultural Harlem: Reimagining Race and Place proposes an understanding of Harlem as a place where peoples of different backgrounds collide, interact, and borrow from each other—and cross the borders of ethnic and racial identities and community enclaves in the process. Places like Black Harlem, El Barrio, Italian Harlem, and Little Senegal are often separated in both popular imagination and scholarly studies. Cross-Cultural Harlem draws them together for a deeper understanding of racial formation and cosmopolitan life in a legendary site.
Author Sandhya Shukla brings her interdisciplinary training and experience to bear on key literary, sociological, political, and autobiographical works. In so doing she theorizes Black geographies, locality and globality, and the modern city, exploring what it means to live in difference—not just with it.
See the full interview with Associate Professor Shukla by following the link here: